
Goal: 142 maps in 2011

The Census bureau is promising redistricting data from the 2010 census by March, 2011.

My goal is to produce 142 reasonable district maps within one month of that data release.
43 Congressional districts maps (AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, VT, WY have only 1 district right now).
99 State legislature district maps (Nebraska only has one).

Between now and then, I'll be working on the software and keeping this blog updated with progress on that and news about the politics and movements around redistricting. I just need the rest of the world to say, "Hey, that's a pretty neat idea. Maybe we can use some of that to make our country a little more fair."

If you know any programmers, advocates, activists, politicians, journalists or just concerned citizens who care about this issue, point them over here. We should talk.

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