
Louisiana, their proposal vs mine

An early version of Louisiana Senate Bill 1 (for a special session) has been filed and contains maps for redistricting the Louisiana State Senate.
(starts with legalese district format, listing county and precinct numbers that make up the district, statistics and maps follow in appendices)

They have much wider tolerances for population difference than I adhere to. The least populous district having 110,475 people and the most with 121,985. A difference of 11,510 people. I can do it in 1,030.

My plan creates 5 majority-black districts. Theirs has 10.
My map:
Their map:

Similarly, SB3 proposes Congressional districts.
Here they claim a spread from 755,526 to 755,592, only 66 people different. My solver could only get down to 5,465.
One majority-black district with 62%. I only got one district up to 41.8% black and 49.7% white.
Their map:
My map ( http://bdistricting.com/2010/LA_Congress/ ):


  1. I just realized that in the congressional map, "their" proposal has five districts and yours has six. Do I have that right, or am I missing something?
